Welcome to Devqala. By using our services, you accept these terms and conditions.

Eligibility for Membership

Our services are for individuals who can legally enter into contracts. Minors below 18 must use our site with parental consent. We reserve the right to terminate membership for those under 18. Businesses must have legal authorization to register.

Account and Registration Obligations

Your information is protected as per our Privacy Policy. You’re responsible for your account and must keep it confidential. Notify us of any security breaches.

Pricing Information

While we strive for accuracy, pricing errors may occur. We reserve the right to cancel orders with incorrect prices. Payment may be processed before dispatch.

Cancellation by Devqala

We may cancel orders due to various reasons. We’ll contact you if necessary. If your payment is processed and the order is canceled, we’ll refund you.

Credit Card Details

You agree to provide accurate credit card information and accept responsibility for its lawful use. We don’t store your credit card data.

Fraudulent/Declined Transactions

We may recover costs for fraudulent use of the site. We’re not liable for declined transactions exceeding preset limits.

Electronic Communications

By using the site, you agree to receive communications electronically, which satisfy legal requirements.

Conditions for Customer Support Chat

Chat may be temporarily suspended, and we’re not liable for delays. Chat communications may be stored. No unlawful, abusive, or solicitous content is allowed.

You Agree and Confirm

You agree to provide accurate information and use the service lawfully. You’re responsible for checking product descriptions before ordering.

Objectionable Material

You may encounter objectionable content on the site. You use it at your risk, and we’re not liable for such content.


You agree to indemnify us from any claims arising from your actions or violations of these terms.


This agreement remains in effect unless terminated by you or Devqala. We may terminate it without notice. Termination doesn’t cancel your obligations or liabilities.

Limitation of Liability and Disclaimers

The site is provided “As Is.” We’re not liable for any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages. We strive for accuracy but aren’t responsible for errors or technical issues.

Site Security

Don’t violate site security. We’ll investigate and cooperate with law enforcement if security is breached.

Entire Agreement

If part of this agreement is invalid, the rest remains in effect. This agreement is the entire understanding between you and Devqala.

Indemnity (Shipping)

We’re not responsible for misplaced, damaged, or exchanged orders once dispatched from our warehouse/store. The shipping partner is liable for late deliveries.